Thursday, September 17, 2009

ACORN: Further Proof That Democrats Are the Worst People on Earth


Unless you've been living under a rock (or unless you rely solely on the mainstream media for your news), you've probably seen this video or one of its counterparts. If you haven't, drop everything and watch it. Right now.

What you'll see is a young conservative activist named James O'Keefe accompanying his female partner, Hannah Giles, into the San Bernardino office of ACORN, Barack Obama's nationwide bigotry and vote-rigging operation. Posing as a pimp and his prostitute, O'Keefe and Giles proceed to solicit information from an ACORN worker on such matters as avoiding prosecution for kidnapping underage El Salvadorian girls, laundering money meant for O'Keefe's congressional run, and securing a mortgage loan for their whorehouse. As you're probably guessing, ACORN worker Tresa Kaelke is more than happy to help.

While the entire clip is comedy of the highest standard, the real magic begins around the 4:20 mark, when Kaelke sums up liberalism so succinctly that Karl Marx is smiling up at her from hell. Responding to the fact that O'Keefe and Giles have had trouble securing financing for the brothel, Kaelke states the following:

There are a lot of narrow-minded, you know, one-sided, um, let's see, right-wing, bleeding- heart liberals out there that, that, you know and they're, I mean, bleeding hearts, not necessarily liberals, because if they were liberals they would be helping you.

Let's pause for a moment just to let that breathe. If they were liberals, they would be helping you.

I'm perfectly aware, of course, that a documentary crew traversing the nation's home-schooling associations and youth groups could capture right-wingers saying some fairly damning s--t, but you've got to admit that Kaelke's bravado in the face of immorality is staggering, as is her claim a few moments later that Obama's campaign was itself built on "bootlegging and prostitution." Thank God Jimmy Carter's around to change the subject.

One last thing and I'll let you take it from here. I mentioned the mainstream media earlier because this is the exact sort of thing that doesn't get reported nationally unless YouTube gets involved. (Check out this article bemoaning the lack of coverage for some interesting insight.) As far as I know, the New York Times' only serious contribution came this morning, under the headline "Conservatives Draw Blood From Acorn."

Not "Acorn Errs" but "Conservatives Attack." You don't have to be a rhetorician to see the spin. You just have to be awake.



If you don't mind my adding facts to your prompt--facts I mainly retrieved from your own hyperlinks--allow me to slip a few key details into the discussion.

1. John A. Boehner, the House Republican leader from Ohio, wrote Obama Tuesday asking him to stop giving federal dollars to ACORN and its affiliates. By the way, ACORN is legally nonpartisan, but its "legally separate political action arm" has "lobbied in every Democratic National Convention since 1980" (Wikipedia). (As I was typing this response, Wikipedia added a "2009 undercover videos" section.)

2. The Department of Housing and Urban Development has already made the decision to stop funding ACORN.

3. According to your Fox News story, employees (or "officials," depending on how much a given article wants these people to be the face of ACORN) at "no fewer than four ACORN offices" have been caught doing the same thing Kaelke did, or worse.

4. Like many terrible and offensive things, ACORN's headquarters is in New Orleans.

With that said, this is a legitimate scandal, right? A very liberal (or at least Democrat-friendly) group was using federal money to advise people on how to operate whorehouses--with not just any type of whores. We're talking underage girls imported from El Salvador. From the sound of these interviews with Baltimore's ACORN branch, ACORN employees seem to be experts in underage trafficking, illegal immigration, prostitution, and tax evasion. Please watch Parts 1 and 2. To show their support, the employees give the fake pimp $100 off his tax return fee. They probably intend to vote for him when he runs for congress (!), which he tells them he'll one day do.

If I were a film critic, I'd use words like "astonishing" and "eye-opening" to describe this mini-documentary. If I were a Democrat, I'd use words like "racism," "sensationalism," and "malicious attacks" in order to discredit those who rightfully want to put a megaphone in front of O'Keefe's whistle. We discussed Tuesday how we're not allowed to question Obama without being called racists; now we can't even question his interest groups without incurring the same scorn. Though he often deserved it, was George W. Bush not the constant object of ridicule and sarcasm? Now, all of a sudden, the office of the presidency commands immediate respect without question?! Screw that. The presidency deserves the highest level of scrutiny no matter who's in the White House. It's unlikely, in my opinion, that Kaelke had the damnedest clue what she was talking about when she said Obama probably had a few highly illegal sources for campaign financing. Then again, people who don't have the damnedest clue--people who utter phrases like "right-wing, bleeding-heart liberals"--did vote for the man.


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