Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Doing "As Best She Can": A Sarah Palin Piece

Here in the Smarter community, we sometimes have to scold our own. But in the Sarah Palin case, we need to disassociate ourselves from those who aren't ours at all.

First, let's compare her to a certain ex-president who spoke of "nucular" weapons and "ambilivence." George W. Bush, let's hope, was more of a political invention than an uninformed leader. His "good ol' boy" persona made him more likable to some (not surprising) and more electable to almost as many (astonishing). Don't get me wrong. I voted for the man, but only because of where he stood on the Left-Right spectrum. Basically, "Cowboy George" was a political device that worked--only to be replaced by "Savior Obama," an even more likeable character created by the democrats.

"Sarah the Sassy Soccer (Hockey) Mom" is a dreadful response by the republicans, and it will be a party killer if it gets the nomination in 2012. What's even more frightening is that I tend to assume Palin really is the dimwit displayed on the screen. Her 2008 political crucifixion, which ensured that Obama took the White House, would have been a gift were it not for her cluelessness that it happened. "Don't bring that weak sh-t in the lane," said Blue, but she came back like the white guy on the playground who didn't realize how embarrassing his blocked shot attempt actually was!

Deservedly so, the permanently undecided voters will lose all respect for the GOP if it decides that the hand scribbler is its strongest horse. The palm notes were so disturbing that I found myself watching Keith Olbermann and agreeing--that is until one of his correspondents uttered the new "it" phrase for those on a mission to dismantle the English language: "as best she can."

I reached for the remote as fastest I could.

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